University 101

My experperience of university

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Taylor's Fall from Grace

OK, now for some not so good news... I had to write my second bio test last week ( my first I got 83%). Now just for the record... I HATE bio! I am one of those people that if I am not interested, or can't see why I need to know something, then my brain will simply reject the information. This is what happened to my hours of studying. I even went and sat in the open learning centre and studies for an hour and a half right before my test! Then I go into the test and sit down, look at the test... I ask myself, "Did we even learn this?!" Of course we did, it is exactly what i just spent almost 2 hours trying to memorize and remember. I mean where does cell respiration take place? And what is an emulsiphier?? And could somebody please tell me why we have proteins in our body? Because I do not know. I studied my ass off, and I am guessing I got about 50% (and that's if I get all the ones right that I think I did). So now I have a new strategy... I mean why not, the old one- go to class, pay attention, do all the practice questions, review and preview, and studying, obviously did not work. So I have come up with a new srategy... it is this... I LOVE BIOLOGY! I CANNOT WAIT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT MOLECULAR BIOLOGY! BIOLOGY IS VERY IMPORTANT TO MY CAREER! That's right, self afirmations. So now when I go to class, instead of thinking.. "Oh, hell... I have to go to bio, I'd rather have my fingernails pulled off", I think to myself "Yes! Tuesday! I am so excited for this class" and when I am in class I tell myself over and over again... "this is interesting, this is important" I am not sure if this will work, but apparently psychologists and people say that if you tell yourself something enough, soon it will becaome true, so maybe I will wake up and really will think about how I can't wait to go to bio..... Otherwise I just don't know what I will do... I even have a tutor... they love bio, so maybe it will be contagious... maybe if I hear my tutor talk in that fast excited voice he has when he talks about cells, and dna and stuff, maybe, just maybe I will feel that way too. They also say that if you write a goal down and post it for other peopl to see your are more likely to acheive it..... so here goes.............. My goal is to, by the end of the year, have an understanding and appreciation for biology. There. Gee, I don't feel any different about bio. I guess I'll just keep doing what I'm doing, maybe it just needs some time to take effect, either way, I will keep you posted on how bio is going.

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

YAY FOR ME!!!!!!

Well the studying has paid off.... my first two tests went very well!!! I got a 92 on one and a 90 on the other!! My goal is to maintain a 4.0 GPA... and so far so good.... i have an average of 91!!! I am so proud of myself. Yes I know it is only the 3rd week of school, and These are the first 2 tests... but still... I beleive we need to reward our successes, no matter how small. So on that note... I will go reward myself with a little shopping trip... new shirt maybe?? oh and I have to say that i was quite surprised when i got my tests back and one had a "way to go!" stamp, and the other had a lion GRRRRREAT sticker... that was so nice... see... small rewards....

Friday, September 15, 2006

Video Blog 2

The second video blog, for my blog about the fun, follies and everything else about going to University...

!st Video blog : University 101

This is my 3rd blog for university 101. It is my first video blog. Hope you like it... come check it out...

Saturday, September 09, 2006

!st Video blog : University 101

This was actaully supposed to be posted on Friday, not saturday... but as i said it's my first... and I am just happy it is here. Adios!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006


ok... Somethings I wish I knew BEFORE i started school

Check with your teachers BEFORE standing in line at the bookstore for an hour and paying $150 for a book... cuz it might just be the wrong one

Also... get there early or you won't get a good parking spot

The coffee machine in the cafeteria has bad coffee... find one that isn't used as much

DO NOT under any circumstance say you went out with a hockey (or any sport) player from a rival team

DO say you have always been a huge Rattlers (or whatever the home team is) fan

Be prepared... you will look stupid if you forget a pen on the first day

Don't buy a Starbucks double shot caramel machiatto before a 3 hour lecture... you teacher will ask if you have eaten.. if that's why your shaking

Do your best to look nice for your ID photo... as it will follow you for a few years, and you will constantly be using it and showing people

Do not attempt to take your backpack into the bookstore, as security will make a HUGE deal of searching you after you leave

Do try to look interested in the courses that you really aren't or the teacher will say that you must have a couple thousand extra dollars to blow by not paying attention

Do refer to any teacher with a Ph D as DOCTOR... they get offended if you don't

Do offer to volunteer... you get great refrences, and win cool swag

Well that's Day 1 folks.. I can't beleive how much I learned.

Oh, and one more thing... do go to day 2... even if you are really embarassed to... if I have to... so do you

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Hello, and welcome to University 101! This blog will be a look into the world of starting (and hopefully) completeing a degree in university. Now... the first step may look something like this.

An acception letter that you waited months to get. Well... you may think September is a long way off.... but it's not!

My advice for prior to arrival at school is this:

-apply for loans ASAP!
- register for classes ASAP
-have transcipts (if needed) sent ASAP
-know ALL the important dates ( these can be found in your school's calendar)

Now here comes the fun part... jumping into the tornado that is university

This is what I learned my first day of school, as it was also the orientation:

- even though lots of poeple don't go, or only stay for part of the day... statistics show that students who stay for the whole day get 5 to 10 percent better grades than students who don't attend the full day of orientation
- also ask LOTS of questions... if you are embarrassed, ask your teachers after class, or in an email... the questions will ultimately help you in the end

This is all I can say for now.... my first day of classes is tomorrow... so hopefully I will have some pearls of wisdom for you then.

Oh and I thought I would add this neat thing we did today...
(it is an exerpt from my other blog: )

So... I learned something very valuable today. One of the teachers gave us each a key.

Now, the question they asked us was... "what do you notice about this key?" Everyone came to the same conclusion... The key is uncut. But it has the potential to open many different doors. (can you see where I'm going with this). basically... it is a metaphor for our life. What will we do with our day, our week, our month, our life. Our lives have so much potential... and we make our own destiny, we open our own doors. So I put it on my keychain, so that I can see it everyday, and I will choose how that day will be. I think this is wonderful, and everyone should rush out and buy an uncut key... so that you too can ask yourself the question, What do I want my day, week, month ect to look like? What will I do to make that happen? Try it... you never know... I don't see myself ever parting with my key... we have bonded. I now look at my key, and ponder life, I look at my key and I see my hopes, dreams and goals. So now, I know what I will make of my day.... What will you make of it??????