University 101

My experperience of university

Friday, September 15, 2006

!st Video blog : University 101

This is my 3rd blog for university 101. It is my first video blog. Hope you like it... come check it out...


At 8:57 AM, Blogger Wendy said...

Nice video blog, it worked this time! Yay you! And the bling earrings...very cool, maybe now I'll call you "fitty cent"...(cus they were "fitty cents")hahahahahaha joking, I'm not meaning to make fun, I'm just tired! I didn't get much sleep last night myself...Ya... Me and C were CRAMMING but it really paid off in the ORAL part! hahahahahaha

At 11:20 AM, Blogger Taylor said...

lol... your too funny wen.

At 9:05 AM, Blogger Wendy said...

Yep, now you're
"fitty t to the dot d"


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